Foreign Exchange Software Development

Introducing the smart approach to currency trading.

Foreign Exchange Software Development Company

Foreign Exchange Market is a global decentralized or over-the-counter (OTC) market for the trading of currencies. This market determines foreign exchange rates for every currency. It includes all aspects of buying, selling and exchanging currencies at current or determined prices. In terms of trading volume, it is by far the largest market in the world, followed by the credit market.

With digitization, software is introduced in the game to simplify trading for individuals looking for entry into the Forex arena. Veteran traders may also utilize the support and guidance from the software to plan their next move. Software tools are very helpful in providing insights into the Forex markets and help traders make matured choices while reducing the risks.

HashCash Forex Software

Forex Trading Software Features

This trading software is built with the aim to deliver services with efficiency and offer security and ease of use to the customers. Our team of developers take into account minutest of details in for a frictionless customer experience.

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Automated Query Service

AI Technology, NLP and Machine Learning combine to create dialogue systems, such as chatbots, which function as a contextually sensitive automated Q/A service.

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Empowering customers to pour in monetary assets at will to keep the liquidity flow continuous.

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Facilitates swift and efficient withdrawal at will.

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Maintaining active trade with features to enable sale and purchase.

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API Integration

Makes it possible to synchronize the various components at play.

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Currency Trading

Users are encouraged to make most of the currency-trading platform available to them.

Benefits of the Forex Trading Software

  • Reduces the cost of building anew.
  • Ample scope for customization.
  • Greatly personalizable.
  • Order routing enables liquidity.
  • Highly secured channels.
  • Available to be used as white label product.

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